Artist: Royal Kinks
Title: All Night / Yesterdays Parties
Label: Method Records
By: Simon Jones | 11 March 2003
  • A: All Night
  • B: Yesterdays Parties

Royal Kinks "All Night / Yesterdays Parties"

Out Now on Method Records

Royal Kinks is the project of a Finland based producer named Niko Nyman who has been working for many months, crafting his ideas into his unique take on house music with diverse results coming from his experiments. He has now become the latest member of the Method Records family, with his talents having been snapped up by label boss Keith McDonnell. The first two tracks he has delivered for release on the label are 'All Night' and 'Yesterdays Parties', and with any luck, these won't be the last.

'All Night' is a rocking house cut that packs more punch than an heavyweight champion of the world. Deep sub bass and swirling atmospherics sit blocked into a throbbing bassline that moves forward at a reckless breakneck pace, dragging in layers of sound and a breathy vocal, well in fact everything that stands in it's path. Techno influences and electo edged sounds put the final touches to this fresh european number.

'Yesterdays Parties' continues on nicely over on the flipside, with a deep series of grooves finding their niche as we head into the main section of the track. Tight percussion and a funky bassline keep things interesting as the warm melody works it's magic within the centre of the track, a series of stabbing riffs heralding a transition into a deeper groove, with the upbeat percussion and melody combination igniting the track, complete with Daft Punk esque guitar sounds punctuating the soundscape. Each time you think this track has reached it's course it turns around and does something different. Constantly evolving and surprising at every twist. This shows much promise for future work from this new producer.

Method keep travelling around the globe in search of new talent and whilst this may not always pay off, as it is hard to establish new artists, on this occasion it most certaintly does, So you see, there is Method in their madness.

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