Artist: Minx
Title: Fate
Label: USR Recordings
By: Simon Jones | 27 March 2002
  • A: Sly Vocal Mix
  • B: Sly Dub

Minx "Fate"

Out Now on USR Recordings

USR is Renaissance's more underground imprint, showcasing the newest and upcoming producers from all over the globe, some who have hopes on becoming the nu breed of producers that will become major players in years to come. This time is the turn of MIdlands boy Nigel Poulton and his Minx Project, with the track Fate

The Sly Vocal mix, with its deep groovy bassline and soft percussion, coupled with its soft percussion and rolling beats runs along smootly as the dark spoken female vocal softly talks over the rising and falling beats, as the track fades to the percussion and quickly moves up a notch, the vocal being spliced and twisted into a dark chant. The Sly Dub is pretty much more of the same, the dark grooves being interupted by a dark male vox sample on occasion.

Those with good memories may remember the track Naked on the Underground Sound Of Renaissance EP, yet another production by this guy, and with fans such as Pete Gooding, it seems that with a few more releases this bright hope could well be on his way.

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